10 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning - Love, Money, Reversed

Unlock the Forbidden Secrets of the Tarot's Minor Arcana NOW – Or Risk Missing Out on the Ultimate Power Over Your Sensual Destiny
With the secret guide of the Gypsy witches,
revealing all meanings of “10 of Cups” major arcana tarot card on Love, Money and Work

What is the meaning of the 10 of cups tarot card ?
How do I read the meaning of “the ten of Cups” in a tarot spread on love, money or work ?

to the free comprehensive guide dedicated to the study of “10 of cups” minor arcana tarot card by Templum Dianae.

in this complete guide I teach you all the “secrets” (taken from my books and courses) and what you need to know.

I also delve into different topics such as :

  • secret meanings of Cups Minor Arcana
  • how to learn tarot card meanings and readings
  • where does tarot cards come from
  • …and much more!

Read on to discover the secrets of tarot cards now!


10 of Cups Description

On the Ten of Cups, there is a couple hugging each other in front of a beautiful house and a green garden. Next to them are two children playing joyfully. The couple is seen clasped in a loving and romantic embrace, while the children play freely. The couple seems to be in a stable relationship and at the same time blessed with the abundance of a comfortable home and beautiful children. The green earth indicates fertility and the river shows how the couple’s feelings flow freely, signifying that their relationship is quite peaceful. High in the sky are ten bowls, in the shape of a bow, symbolizing the blessings of heaven. The rainbow behind them indicates the end of hard times and sorrows and a new happy life in which all family members will enjoy. The Ten of Cups card depicts “having it all.”

chapter 1

10 of cups Meaning

10 of cups rider waite tarot card
10 of cups rider waite tarot card

From its joyful representation, we can infer that the Ten of Cups embodies happiness, cheerfulness, fulfillment and emotional satisfaction in your family, relationship or partner. It represents an idyllic state of comfort, harmony, peace and love that makes you feel in paradise. It is the place where all your dreams, desires and needs have been fulfilled and where you feel a sense of complete satisfaction. Take a moment to breathe, look around and be grateful for all your blessings. This card indicates something that many of us are looking for.

Seeing the Ten of Cups indicates true emotional fulfillment, where the solitary self-satisfaction of the Nine of Cups is shared with others to create a true sense of community and family. It is the crystallization of the innocent will of the Ace of Cups. After learning to love itself, the Nine of Cups has matured into the Ten of Cups, the centerpiece of which is represented by the fact that true happiness comes from creating genuine bonds and connections with others. This card is especially associated with a sense of “happily ever after,” of family, of lasting harmony and peace.

This is an indication of harmonious family, because the card shows you that you are living in perfect peace. No further adjustments or shifts are needed, you are in the right, relax and enjoy the moment. In the love reading, this card indicates that it is romantic, real and genuine-and has strong potential for something long-term. It deserves all your efforts to make it happen.

The Ten of Cups could also indicate a family vacation, where you can relax and spend time with family members.

ten of cups Reversed
Tarot Card Meaning

When the Ten of Cups is reversed, the strong bonds that are created with family and community are broken or distorted. The Ten of Cups is really the “happily ever after” card, but somehow this idealized image of domestic peace and comfort breaks down, or has always been unrealistic. Instead of bonding, you may find distance. Instead of coming together, you may drift apart.

Your hopes for happy and special moments seem to fall short of your expectations. You should learn to treat each other well, love each other and take care of each other. This is the best way to ensure a harmonious life.

conclusion - minor arcana Meaning

In this article we explored the world of the Minor Arcana suit of cups and their Esoteric significance.

Online tarot can offer many benefits, including the convenience of being able to do a reading from your home, the ability to choose from a wide range of readers, and the flexibility to choose the type of reading you want. However, it is important to consider the ethics of online tarot readings and of finding a recommendable and professional reader.

If you are interested in exploring the world of tarot online, there are many resources available for you. You can find online tarot books and courses that can help you develop your tarot reading skills and deepen your understanding of the cards.

In conclusion, online tarot can offer many opportunities for personal growth and exploration of the future. However, it is important to be careful in choosing the right reader for you and to consider the ethics of online tarot readings. I encourage you to continue exploring the world of online tarot and to visit my website for more information about the tarot books and courses I offer.

in-depth resources

Templum Dianae Channell

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