Suit of swords - Tarot Cards Meaning

Unlock the Forbidden Secrets of the Tarot's Minor Arcana NOW – Or Risk Missing Out on the Ultimate Power Over Your Sensual Destiny
with the complete gipsy guide, that unveil you everything you need to know about Suit of swords in Tarot Reading!

suit of swords

You’re one step away from a revelation most women only dream of! Dive into the mystical realm of the Tarot’s Minor Arcana, where ancient symbols whisper the secrets of empowerment, seduction, and control.

If you’ve ever felt the magnetic pull of the universe urging you towards a path of bewitching allure, then you simply cannot afford to ignore this.

Every card holds a clue. Every symbol, a promise. And for those brave enough to embrace their inner witch, the cards might just reveal the key to mastering their sexual prowess and avoiding life’s perilous pitfalls.

Read on, if you dare, and seize the reins of your destiny like never before. Don’t let fear and uncertainty rob you of this chance. Your future self will thank you.

Suit of swords Meaning

the Complete Guide

what are swords in Tarot Reading

According to many classical interpretations, the seed of swords is linked to challenges and difficulties that a subject will encounter, symbolically represented by the blade, usually double-edged. The air itself is paralleled with the mind since both, while not visible to the naked eye, profoundly influence human life. Iconographically, sword arcana are usually depicted with images and details that recall the sky, clouds and weather, and the most common colors tend toward shades of blue and gray.

tarot reading session with meaning of minor arcana
tarot reading session with meaning of minor arcana
chapter 1

Meaning of Suit of swords

The sword is a common symbol of authority, expressing command, courage, and bloody and bloody confrontation. It is also a phallic symbol and refers to masculine characteristics that have expressed power and might for centuries. As a weapon, the sword can also represent aggression, danger, betrayal, offense: it is a sharp object, thus intended for defense or attack. Swords can wound slightly, more seriously, or even give death. Finally, the meaning of this seed may relate to ambition, the desire to excel, to win, momentum, courage, the desire to fight with others, to compare oneself to bring out one’s worth.

This seed must be related to the Air element, which itself has relevance to the spiritual plane, and to all the qualities that are generally associated with it: strength, ‘expansion and energy. Swords can also represent the military class, the winter season, rigid and cold like metal, and generally represent all that man fears: disease, strife, obstacles, misfortune, accidents.

However, not all situations highlighted by the Swords, will always turn negative: cards of this suit can be interpreted positively or negatively, depending on the situation. Sometimes these cards are meant to signal and warn the consulter against offensive or dangerous actions coming.

The most popular opinion among fortune-tellers dates back to the mists of time and has been handed down in the following way, “Swords exert their influence on laws, justice and progress.” This seed must be related to the element Air, which itself has relevance to the spiritual plane and all the qualities that are generally associated with it: strength, expansion and energy. Ancient esoteric knowledge has always placed the Air element in close connection with the divine breath responsible for human life and survival.
In the context of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot, cartomancy experts also assign special emblematic value to the four figures of Swords: Knave, Horse, Queen and King. From the divinatory point of view each of these figures possesses different meanings depending on the respective relationship of the essential element Air and the peculiar symbolic values of the series to which they belong. In addition, it must always be kept in mind that each card changes in meaning and varies in divinatory power relatively to the position it occupies each individual combination of Minor Arcana, where its specific value is influenced by the neighboring cards.

The sword suit in the Tarot is reminiscent of man and corresponds to the element of Air; also a masculine element.

Air is represented with a triangle crossed by a horizontal line. Swords symbolizes a mobile and unstoppable element. It additionally represents intelligence and active masculine strength. Air is associated with the breath of life, the importance of words. Swords indicate a desire for independence and freedom.

Related to the Hebrew letter is VAU (form stabilization), winter, military class and to the sword. It depicts everything about man: diseases, lots, obstacles, misfortunes, communication and personal freedom. It indicates brown and haughty people. In card reading it depicts courage, strength, authority and aggression; hence activity and progress. Conversely, it indicates misfortune, ruin and death

minor arcana tarot reading relaxing session with a cup of thea

chapter 2

Meaning of the swords Cards

Planets: Mercury and Uranus

Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

– Ace of Swords – The Ace marks the beginning of a new phase, a total change that has as its point of origin the mental plane. Symbol of powerful and fruitful psychic energy, it is the creator principle of the universe, it is a card of absolute domination, power, conquest. A phallic symbol, aggressive and penetrating, it alludes with even excessive force to justice, honor, extreme stances in defense of an ideal. The card, in its dynamic and decisive force, hints at new ideas, new ways of conceiving life, new intellectual perspectives, greater ability to concentrate and strength of will.

– Two of Swords – The Two of Swords heralds the arrival of a more serene time: the meaning of this card alludes to the fusion of the two opposite and complementary worlds of spirit and matter. Its symbolism thus refers to the balance and synthesis of opposites. When the arcane is in a negative position, the two swords can fight against each other; otherwise they can be allies against a common opponent. The Two of Swords expresses balanced strength, but also contradictory feelings.

Three of Swords – The number 3, or communication,associated with the Air element of Swords, makes communication difficult and interpersonal relationships problematic. This card is generally negative, not only in the field of love, but in general regarding social relationships: it emphasizes an estrangement, not necessarily negative, but one that will leave painful aftermaths.

– Four of Swords – The Four of Swords is symbolic of rest after struggle. In general it represents a phase of recovery of strength after a period of intense physical and mental activity. Recovery must take place in a suitable environment, so this card can also indicate admission to a hospital or clinic. If it is the soul that needs to be regenerated, the place of healing can be a monastery, a temple, or a spiritual community. The symmetrical position of the Swords indicates precisely a balance achieved or to be achieved.

– Five of Swords – A very heavy arcane, one of the worst in the deck, The Five of Swords is one of the most complex arcana to evaluate, as it indicates a defeat due to one’s own superficiality or the malice of another person. Certainly, in one sense or another, regardless of the judgment of others, one must react and repair the damage caused or suffered.

Six of Swords – This is a very weak card; it tends to take on the meanings of neighboring blades, which influence its meaning. This Minor Arcanum symbolizes a transitional phase awaiting good news, small movements confined to the everyday sphere, small tasks that make the atmosphere heavy and push one to seek an escape route: in fact, this is also the card of travel and movement. It highlights the consultant’s fears, doubts and anxieties in relation to everyday life; it heralds something new, not necessarily good, that will somehow change his rhythms and balance.

– Seven of Swords – The Seven of Swords describes the attempt to achieve a goal through expedients, illegal or superficial paths. This is also a heavy blade; it is the fusion of the hard, sharp symbolism of the seed of Swords with that of the number seven, which expresses the end of a cycle, the fulfillment of the ancient planetary system, the number of musical notes and the days of the week. Hope and the desire for fulfillment propel one toward new difficulties and struggles; one must be aware of the motivations for action, to test whether to commit more seriously, or give up altogether.

– Eight of Swords – This blade represents the balance between opposing forces, an apparent balance, full of negative omens, a harbinger of a clash with external forces, but often also with inner, personal elements, important motivations that must be faced and overcome. It is a card that always expresses a difficulty, an ‘apparent calm, a false balance: the elements involved are sharp weapons, ready to be unleashed and used for what they are, for offensive use. The consultant feels caged, prey to his own indecision, his own fears about the situations he is preparing to face.

– Nine of Swords – The card almost always indicates mysticism, spirituality, religion. Three, the number of perfection, raised to power becomes a symbol of divine protection, of the ideal to be achieved. Loneliness and mystery surround this card, which is the premise of a long crisis full of deep and lacerating questions. The consultant will be able to emerge unscathed from this difficult period only by appealing to the strength of the ideal and morality, drawing on his ideological and religious convictions. In fact, the Nine of Swords describes the inner reaction to events, rather than the events themselves; it reveals the strength of the counselor’s ideological and religious convictions at particular times in his or her life.

– Ten of Swords – This Minor Arcanum represents both the presence of serious difficulties and the inner reaction to them. When faced with very serious and painful situations, one is tempted by the desire to give up, to give in to the inexorable grip of the swords that pierce body and soul: the Ten of Swords is the card of weeping and anguish, the causes of which are to be found in separation and a deep sense of personal loss. But to indulge in negative thoughts at this time would make the situation worse, and even if exhausted, the consultant will have to find the courage to overcome the moment of crisis and start all over again.

The Court Cards
– page of Swords – The card depicts a young man holding a sword almost for fun, as if it were an ornament and not an actual weapon. He seems to pose as a bold warrior, when in fact everything shines through in his attitude except the dangerousness and ferocity of a man to be feared. He represents youthful love, pugnacious and loyal, but still too naïve and crafty; he is quick, dynamic, ready to move quickly with word and thought. His most promising areas of development are in speech, communication and intellect, rather than combativeness.

– Knight of Swords – The image represents an individual already well on his path of growth, which, however, is not yet completed. The Knight of Swords is a man ready to do his duty, galloping with great energy and conviction. He represents the dynamic search for new ways and solutions, already has dominion over many qualities of the Air element to which he is connected: intelligence, dynamism, quickness, analytical thinking. He is capable of quick and intelligent actions, can deal with problems boldly and directly, using thought and speech, gets results in a short time through innovative solutions. Her image often refers to the defense of social order and laws, evoking the medieval knight, protector of the weak and of faith.

– Queen of Swords – This woman seated on a bare throne commands respect because of her firm manner and stern attitude. She is the lady of the sacredness of the energy proper to the Air element. Her appearance is severe, her attire is less frivolous than that of the other queens, and her character is austere. In the sword she holds in her right hand she seems to carry the weight of an adverse fate, which she bears with courage and great dignity. She is the symbol of a lone woman struggling to obtain her ideals, indicating a sense of duty and sacrifice. Perhaps a bit rigid in her attitude, the Queen of Swords is a kind and wise person, made guarded by the heavy circumstances of life, a valuable confidante, a mature, fully realized and conscious woman.

– King of Swords – He is the ruler of the Air element. Intelligent, analytical, he is able to use the power of reason and logic to find innovative solutions to the problems he faces. Endowed with an indomitable will and therefore able to exercise full control over destiny, he wears the crown above the ‘helmet and holds the sword in his right hand. It is the card of decision and achievement, expressing great self-discipline and the ability to perfect oneself through constant training of the areas one wishes to develop and emancipate. The seed of Swords, a symbol of pain and obstacles, in this card signals a power against which it is useless to struggle. The only way out is to submit to and be guided by a stern, influential, erudite man of high position.

conclusion - minor arcana Meaning

In this article we explored the world of the Minor Arcana suit of swords and their Esoteric significance.

Online tarot can offer many benefits, including the convenience of being able to do a reading from your home, the ability to choose from a wide range of readers, and the flexibility to choose the type of reading you want. However, it is important to consider the ethics of online tarot readings and of finding a recommendable and professional reader.

If you are interested in exploring the world of tarot online, there are many resources available for you. You can find online tarot books and courses that can help you develop your tarot reading skills and deepen your understanding of the cards.

In conclusion, online tarot can offer many opportunities for personal growth and exploration of the future. However, it is important to be careful in choosing the right reader for you and to consider the ethics of online tarot readings. I encourage you to continue exploring the world of online tarot and to visit my website for more information about the tarot books and courses I offer.

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