5 of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning - Love, Money, Reversed

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revealing all meanings of “5 of Pentacles” major arcana tarot cardon Love, Money and Work

5 of pentacles tarot reading minor arcana

What is the meaning of the 5 of Pentacles tarot card ?
How do I read the meaning of “the five of Coins” in a tarot spread on love, money or work ?

to the free comprehensive guide dedicated to the study of “5 of Pentacles” minor arcana tarot card by Templum Dianae.

in this complete guide I teach you all the “secrets” (taken from my books and courses) and what you need to know.

I also delve into different topics such as :

  • secret meanings of Pentacles Minor Arcana
  • how to learn tarot card meanings and readings
  • where does tarot cards come from
  • …and much more!

Read on to discover the secrets of tarot cards now!


5 of Pentacles Description

Just like the five of the other suits in the tarot, the Five of Pentacles symbolizes adversity. It shows two individuals walking outside while it is snowing. Not only are they cold, but they are also sick, poor, tired, and hungry. They seem to lack the basic necessities of life. Many people can identify with the two individuals in more than one way.

One of the individuals in the card has crutches, while the other figure has a shawl covering her head. She is walking barefoot in the snow. There is a black wall in the background with a stained glass window with the five pentacles, suggesting a church of some kind.

More often than not, the Five of Pentacles is a bad omen. However, do not worry, because it can change depending on where it is placed in the reading.

5 of Pentacles
Tarot Card Symbolism

  1. Financial Hardship and Struggle: The Five of Pentacles in the Tarot is emblematic of financial hardship and struggle. The image often depicts two figures, often portrayed as beggars, trudging through the snow outside a church. This symbolism underscores the challenges and difficulties faced in the material realm, emphasizing economic adversity and a sense of lack.
  2. Isolation and Exclusion: A prominent theme in the Five of Pentacles is the sense of isolation and exclusion. The figures in the card are often depicted outside a place of worship, highlighting a feeling of being left out or disconnected from support systems. This card speaks to the emotional toll of financial difficulties, emphasizing the isolation that can accompany economic challenges.
  3. Seeking Help and Support: Despite the apparent adversity, there is a glimmer of hope in the Five of Pentacles. The presence of the church in the background suggests that help and support may be available, even if not immediately apparent. This symbolism encourages individuals to seek assistance and not hesitate to reach out to others or utilize available resources during challenging times.
  4. Spiritual Resilience: Beyond the material struggles, the Five of Pentacles also carries a spiritual dimension. It challenges individuals to cultivate resilience and inner strength in the face of external difficulties. The spiritual aspect encourages a perspective that extends beyond material concerns, urging individuals to find solace and strength within themselves, even during times of financial turmoil.
  5. Overcoming Adversity: While the Five of Pentacles conveys a sense of struggle, it also suggests the potential for overcoming adversity. The depiction of the figures moving through the snow implies a journey, and the presence of the church in the background symbolizes hope and potential salvation. This card underscores the transient nature of challenges, encouraging individuals to persevere and work towards a brighter future despite current difficulties.
chapter 1

5 of Pentacles Meaning

5 of pentacles rider waite tarot card

The Five of Coins represents a period of financial struggles, poverty and adversity, even having suffered a significant financial loss or bankruptcy. This card shows the many faces of material misfortune and lack of funds, poverty, illness, unemployment, and loneliness. If you have suffered a loss, the people around you will be willing to help you. There is always a solution and always a way out, so open your eyes and move toward the answer, or close your eyes and let the inner light guide you in the right direction.
Often, what caused these financial problems is emotional in nature — greed will lead to loss, anxiety will lead to wandering, possessiveness will lead to loneliness. By focusing on the material side of things, you lose sight of the spiritual side. You can be rich for a while, but all will be lost if you do not learn from your mistakes.

On a psychological level, the Five of Coins can indicate problems toward money and material things. If money becomes the primary motivating force in life, and the “gauge” the tool by which you judge the value of things, the lack of it can produce anxiety and a sense of exclusion from all the good things money can provide. For example, if you encounter financial difficulties, such as job loss or a bad investment, you may fall into the trap of losing faith in your ability to succeed in recreating a positive financial situation for yourself. Therefore, you should not only consider your current financial situation, but also your attitude toward money. What fears do you have about money and wealth? Are you constantly anxious about the constant quest for accumulation, or are you confident in your ability to obtain, what is necessary to live a sufficiently prosperous life whatever the situation? Wealth is often as much about your psychological state as it is about your actual financial state.

In a world that often equates success with financial wealth, the “loss” shown by the Five of Coins, can also be understood as a humiliation to one’s self-esteem. This “loss” can occur in many ways, but although an external event may appear to be the cause, this card often reflects, that the loss is something you have caused yourself. For there is often a spiritual loss, which precedes, or accompanies, the loss of material wealth.

The Five of Coins may also represent a time of loneliness. One may feel abandoned, ignored or unwanted. One may be excluded from the “group” or may be hindered by others. One may despair at the lack of support and comfort, precisely from those we thought were important instead.

five of Pentacles keywords

Financial Hardship, Isolation, Seeking Support, Spiritual Resilience, Overcoming Adversity

5 of Pentacles Reversed
Tarot Card Meaning

the Five of Coins on the Reverse, indicates the end of difficult times, especially if we have suffered a serious financial loss or job loss. One can find new sources of income, a new job, or someone who has offered to help us.
One will feel optimistic and vital, ready to start again with self-confidence. Finally, one will be able to see a way out of financial difficulties.
The Five of Coins on the Reverse, can also indicate a persistent inner lack or spiritual poverty. It reflects a time when we feel isolated and lonely, even if surrounded by many people. We sense that something is wrong and struggle to understand what it might be. You have to go back to the Four of Coins to realize that you have put too much emphasis on material wealth at the expense of your spiritual well-being.

five of Pentacles Reversed Keywords

Recovery, Improvement, Seeking Help, Community Support, Overcoming Isolation

chapter 2

5 of Pentacles Love Meanings

five of disks on Crowley Deck
five of disks on Crowley Deck

In matters of love, the Five of Pentacles in the Tarot signifies a period of emotional struggle and potential isolation within a relationship. This card suggests that individuals may be experiencing challenges that create a sense of distance or hardship. The imagery often depicts two figures facing difficulties together, emphasizing the shared nature of the emotional burden.

The theme of financial struggle present in the Five of Pentacles may extend to the emotional realm, indicating that the relationship is undergoing a challenging phase. The emotional hardships depicted in the card can manifest as feelings of isolation or exclusion within the partnership. It prompts individuals to reflect on how external pressures or internal challenges may be affecting the emotional dynamics of the relationship.

Despite the difficulties portrayed, the Five of Pentacles holds a glimmer of hope. The figures in the card are depicted outside a place of worship, suggesting that spiritual or emotional support may be sought and found. In the context of love, this symbolism encourages couples to seek solace and assistance from each other or external sources. It emphasizes the potential for healing and growth within the relationship, even during challenging times.

The card invites individuals to recognize that challenges in love are transient, and like the figures moving through the snow, there is the potential for improvement and recovery. It encourages open communication, mutual support, and a shared commitment to overcoming the emotional struggles. In the context of love readings, the Five of Pentacles prompts individuals to navigate challenges together, reinforcing the idea that facing difficulties as a united front can lead to a stronger and more resilient relationship.

five of Pentacles Reversed Love Meanings

the reversed Five of Pentacles in the Tarot introduces a narrative of overcoming emotional challenges and finding solace within a relationship. This card signals a positive shift from the hardships and potential isolation depicted in the upright position, suggesting that individuals are moving towards a period of healing and recovery.

The reversal of the Five of Pentacles indicates a recovery from emotional struggles within the relationship. It suggests that the difficulties and feelings of isolation may be dissipating, allowing for a renewed sense of connection and support. The figures in the card may be finding comfort and assistance either within the relationship or through external sources, leading to a more positive and harmonious emotional environment.

The symbolism of the reversed Five of Pentacles encourages couples to seek and provide support for each other during challenging times. It signifies a willingness to overcome past difficulties and work towards a stronger, more resilient relationship. This card prompts individuals to embrace the idea that, with mutual effort and communication, they can navigate challenges together and foster a deeper connection.

While the challenges portrayed in the upright position may have caused temporary setbacks, the reversed Five of Pentacles suggests that the relationship is on a path toward improvement. It encourages couples to acknowledge the progress made in overcoming emotional struggles and to continue nurturing the emotional well-being of the partnership. In love readings, the reversed Five of Pentacles serves as a reminder that, even in the face of past challenges, there is potential for healing, growth, and a more positive emotional connection within the relationship.

chapter 2

5 of Pentacles Money Meanings

5 of coins Marseille tarot card
5 of coins Marseille tarot card

In the context of finances, the Five of Pentacles in the Tarot portrays a narrative of economic hardship and financial struggle. This card suggests that individuals may be facing challenging times, encountering obstacles that impact their material well-being. The depiction of two figures outside a place of worship highlights not only the financial difficulties but also the potential for emotional and spiritual distress associated with financial struggles.

The image of the figures moving through the snow conveys a sense of resilience in the face of adversity. While the financial challenges may be substantial, the Five of Pentacles encourages individuals to recognize the transient nature of difficulties and the potential for improvement over time. It prompts a reevaluation of financial strategies and a consideration of external resources or support that may be available.

five of Pentacles Reversed Money Meanings

the reversed Five of Pentacles in the Tarot presents a narrative of overcoming economic hardships and finding stability. This card signals a positive shift from the financial struggles depicted in the upright position, suggesting that individuals are moving towards a period of recovery and improved financial circumstances.

The reversal of the Five of Pentacles indicates a recovery from financial difficulties. It suggests that individuals may be finding solutions to address economic challenges and improve their financial situation. The figures in the card, once facing adversity, may now be experiencing a more positive and stable phase in their financial journey.

This card encourages a proactive approach to financial matters. It signifies a willingness to explore new strategies, seek assistance when necessary, and embrace a mindset of resilience and recovery. The reversed Five of Pentacles prompts individuals to reassess their financial priorities, consider alternative paths, and recognize the potential for improvement in their economic well-being.

Beyond the material aspects, the card also suggests a spiritual and emotional upliftment. Individuals may find solace in their values and beliefs, recognizing that financial well-being is not solely determined by external circumstances. The reversal of the Five of Pentacles in financial readings underscores the importance of resilience, adaptability, and a positive mindset in navigating economic challenges and moving towards financial stability.

chapter 4

5 of Pentacles Career Meanings

5 of pentacles Medieval Visconti tarot Card
5 of pentacles Medieval Visconti tarot Card

In the context of career readings, the Five of Pentacles in the Tarot signifies a period of professional struggle and potential setbacks. This card suggests that individuals may be facing challenges in their career, encountering obstacles that impact their professional well-being. The depiction of two figures outside a place of work or recognition emphasizes the difficulties experienced in the professional realm.

The image of the figures moving through the snow conveys a sense of resilience in the face of adversity. While the professional challenges may be substantial, the Five of Pentacles encourages individuals to recognize the transient nature of difficulties and the potential for improvement over time. It prompts a reevaluation of career strategies, seeking mentorship or guidance when needed, and considering alternative paths that may lead to professional growth.

The reversed Five of Pentacles signals a positive shift in career circumstances. It suggests that individuals are moving beyond the challenges depicted in the upright position and may be finding solutions to improve their professional situation. This reversal encourages a proactive approach to addressing career issues, seeking support from colleagues or mentors, and embracing a mindset of resilience and recovery.

The card also carries a spiritual undertone, urging individuals to find strength and solace in their values and beliefs during professionally challenging times. It prompts a reconnection with personal values and a recognition that career success is not solely determined by external circumstances. In career readings, the Five of Pentacles reversed emphasizes the importance of perseverance, resourcefulness, and a resilient mindset in navigating professional challenges and working towards career stability and fulfillment.

five of Pentacles Reversed Career Meanings

the reversed Five of Pentacles in the Tarot introduces a narrative of overcoming professional challenges and finding stability in one’s career. This card signals a positive shift from the setbacks and potential isolation depicted in the upright position, suggesting that individuals are moving towards a period of recovery and improved professional circumstances.

The reversal of the Five of Pentacles indicates a recovery from career difficulties. It suggests that individuals may be finding solutions to address professional challenges and improve their career situation. The figures in the card, once facing adversity in their work environment, may now be experiencing a more positive and stable phase in their professional journey.

This card encourages a proactive approach to career matters. It signifies a willingness to explore new strategies, seek support from colleagues or mentors, and embrace a mindset of resilience and recovery. The reversed Five of Pentacles prompts individuals to reassess their career priorities, consider alternative paths, and recognize the potential for improvement in their professional well-being.

Beyond the material aspects, the card also suggests a spiritual and emotional upliftment. Individuals may find solace in their values and beliefs, recognizing that career success is not solely determined by external circumstances. The reversal of the Five of Pentacles in career readings underscores the importance of resilience, adaptability, and a positive mindset in navigating professional challenges and moving towards career stability and fulfillment.

chapter 5

5 of Pentacles Yes or No

five of Coins Italian Deck

In the realm of yes or no tarot spreads, the Five of Pentacles introduces a nuanced perspective. This card suggests that the answer to the question at hand may be influenced by a period of struggle or difficulty. The imagery of individuals facing challenges outside a place of stability signifies a potential obstacle that needs to be navigated.

The Five of Pentacles prompts individuals to consider the nature of the question and the potential hurdles associated with it. It implies that the path to a positive outcome may involve overcoming obstacles and persevering through adversity. The figures in the card moving through the snow symbolize a journey, indicating that progress may be slow but achievable.

While the card may not provide a straightforward yes or no answer, it encourages a careful examination of the situation and a realistic understanding of the challenges involved. It prompts individuals to assess whether they are prepared to face potential difficulties on the path to their goal and whether the journey itself holds value, even if the destination is not immediately apparent.

In the context of a yes or no tarot spread, the Five of Pentacles suggests that the answer may be affirmative, but it requires a patient and resilient approach. It invites individuals to consider the potential for growth and learning that may come from navigating challenges, even in the pursuit of a positive outcome.

five of Pentacles Reversed
yes or no reading

the reversed Five of Pentacles introduces a narrative of overcoming obstacles and a more optimistic outlook. This card suggests a positive shift from the challenges and potential setbacks depicted in the upright position, indicating that the answer to the question at hand may lean towards affirmation.

The reversal of the Five of Pentacles indicates a recovery from difficulties and a potential improvement in the situation. It suggests that individuals may be finding solutions to overcome obstacles, leading to a more positive outcome. The figures in the card, once facing adversity, may now be experiencing a more favorable and stable phase in their journey.

This card encourages individuals to approach the question with a proactive and optimistic mindset. It signifies a willingness to explore new strategies, seek support, and embrace a mindset of resilience and recovery. The reversed Five of Pentacles prompts individuals to reassess their perspective, considering the potential for improvement and positive change.

While the card may not provide a definitive yes or no answer, it implies that the obstacles may be surmountable, and the situation is moving towards a more favorable outcome. It invites individuals to remain open to possibilities, be receptive to support, and maintain a hopeful approach as they navigate the path ahead.

conclusion - minor arcana Meaning

In this article we explored the world of the Minor Arcana suit of pentacles and their Esoteric significance.

Online tarot can offer many benefits, including the convenience of being able to do a reading from your home, the ability to choose from a wide range of readers, and the flexibility to choose the type of reading you want. However, it is important to consider the ethics of online tarot readings and of finding a recommendable and professional reader.

If you are interested in exploring the world of tarot online, there are many resources available for you. You can find online tarot books and courses that can help you develop your tarot reading skills and deepen your understanding of the cards.

In conclusion, online tarot can offer many opportunities for personal growth and exploration of the future. However, it is important to be careful in choosing the right reader for you and to consider the ethics of online tarot readings. I encourage you to continue exploring the world of online tarot and to visit my website for more information about the tarot books and courses I offer.

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Templum Dianae Channell

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