6 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning - Love, Money, Reversed

Unlock the Forbidden Secrets of the Tarot's Minor Arcana NOW – Or Risk Missing Out on the Ultimate Power Over Your Sensual Destiny
With the secret guide of the Gypsy witches,
revealing all meanings of “6 of Cups” major arcana tarot card on Love, Money and Work

What is the meaning of the 6 of cups tarot card ?
How do I read the meaning of “the six of Cups” in a tarot spread on love, money or work ?

to the free comprehensive guide dedicated to the study of “6 of cups” minor arcana tarot card by Templum Dianae.

in this complete guide I teach you all the “secrets” (taken from my books and courses) and what you need to know.

I also delve into different topics such as :

  • secret meanings of Cups Minor Arcana
  • how to learn tarot card meanings and readings
  • where does tarot cards come from
  • …and much more!

Read on to discover the secrets of tarot cards now!


6 of Cups Description

There are some Tarot cards whose images immediately evoke negative emotions, and the Five of Cups carries this weight. It is a card that indicates loss and the painful challenges that come with it.

The Six of Cups symbolizes the joy of nostalgia, the comfort of home and the innocence of childhood. In the card itself, there are six cups filled with white flowers. Two children are depicted in the foreground, one of whom passes a cup to the other. This passing of flowers from the boy to the girl indicates the passing of traditions and happy gatherings. The children seem to be in a kind of castle, which we can imagine gives them a sense of security and comfort.

chapter 1

6 of cups Meaning

6 of cups rider waite tarot card
6 of cups rider waite tarot card

The vertical Six of Cups generally represents generosity, naive happiness, and childhood. It can represent a desire to return to a happier time, whether as a child, teenager, or young adult. Often these memories are things of the past, reflecting aspects of ourselves that have disappeared. You may think that remembering these times is the only way to feel happy. The Six of Cups that appears in a reading seems to indicate that although we look back at the past with a happy eye, we should avoid living in it.

The Six of Cups can also mean that you are about to return to a familiar place. This could be your hometown, the home of an old friend, a school, or any place that has great meaning for you. You are trying to reconnect with people from your past. Recalling old memories reminds us of our childhood, a time when things were simpler.

Coming after the Five of Cups, this card may also suggest that you may have suffered a loss or disappointment of some kind and are making the journey back. You are looking to the past to find the answer to the crisis or challenge you are facing now. You may be seeking the comfort and warmth of people who love you unconditionally, gathering strength to face the trials ahead.

six of cups Reversed
Tarot Card Meaning

The reversed Six of Cups can mean that you are clinging to the past. You should explore your memories, but you should not allow yourself to stay there. While it may be comforting to stay in the safety of home, you must learn to forge your own path. The past should be used as a guide for the future. Learn to focus on the present and be truly mindful.

Another reading of the reversed Six of Cups is that you may feel disconnected from your childhood self and that child’s dreams can sometimes be unrealistic. Not achieving these goals can be painful, but sometimes reality charts a path for you to follow, and you should not blame yourself for your choices. Take the time to think about where you want to be now and how you can achieve your goals, instead of just dreaming about them.

conclusion - minor arcana Meaning

In this article we explored the world of the Minor Arcana suit of cups and their Esoteric significance.

Online tarot can offer many benefits, including the convenience of being able to do a reading from your home, the ability to choose from a wide range of readers, and the flexibility to choose the type of reading you want. However, it is important to consider the ethics of online tarot readings and of finding a recommendable and professional reader.

If you are interested in exploring the world of tarot online, there are many resources available for you. You can find online tarot books and courses that can help you develop your tarot reading skills and deepen your understanding of the cards.

In conclusion, online tarot can offer many opportunities for personal growth and exploration of the future. However, it is important to be careful in choosing the right reader for you and to consider the ethics of online tarot readings. I encourage you to continue exploring the world of online tarot and to visit my website for more information about the tarot books and courses I offer.

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Templum Dianae Channell

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