the Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning
love, money work risk free

With the secret guide of the Gypsy witches,
revealing all meanings of “the Hanged Man” major arcana tarot card
on Love, Money and Work

What is the meaning of the Hanged Man card ?
How do I read the meaning of “the Hanged Man” in a tarot spread on love, money or work ?

to the free comprehensive guide dedicated to the study of “the Hanged Man” major arcana tarot card
by Templum Dianae.

in this complete guide I teach you all the “secrets” (taken from my books and courses) and what you need to know.

I also delve into different topics such as :

  • the meaning of Major Arcana
  • how to learn tarot card meanings and readings
  • where does tarot cards come from
  • …and much more!

Read on to discover the secrets of tarot cards now!


the Hanged Man tarot card Description

The Hanged Man tarot card depicts a figure hanging upside down from a tree or scaffold by one leg. Despite the seemingly uncomfortable position, the figure appears calm and serene. The Hanged Man represents a surrendering of control, suspension, and a change in perspective. It symbolizes sacrifice, letting go, and gaining a new understanding through introspection and self-reflection. The card suggests a need to release attachments, beliefs, or situations that no longer serve you. It signifies a time of transition and a willingness to embrace the unknown. The Hanged Man invites you to look at challenges from a different angle and to find new solutions by shifting your perspective. It represents a period of patience, acceptance, and inner growth. It encourages you to trust the process and to allow yourself to be receptive to new insights and wisdom. Ultimately, the Hanged Man teaches us that sometimes in surrendering, we gain a deeper understanding and experience profound transformation.

the Hanged Man tarot card symbolism

The symbolism of the Hanged Man tarot card encompasses several key elements:

  1. Suspension: The figure hanging upside down represents a state of suspension or being “stuck.” It symbolizes the need to pause, reflect, and let go of control in order to gain new perspectives.
  2. Surrender: The Hanged Man signifies surrendering to circumstances or letting go of attachments and expectations. It suggests that sometimes the best way forward is to release resistance and embrace what is.
  3. Change in perspective: The upside-down position challenges traditional viewpoints and calls for a shift in perception. It symbolizes the need to see things from a different angle or to adopt a fresh perspective.
  4. Inner reflection: The Hanged Man represents a time of introspection and self-reflection. It suggests the importance of looking within, examining beliefs and values, and seeking deeper understanding.
  5. Enlightenment and wisdom: The Hanged Man is associated with gaining insights, wisdom, and spiritual growth through surrender and self-reflection. It symbolizes a period of inner transformation and the potential for profound personal development.
  6. Sacrifice: The Hanged Man may also represent sacrifice, letting go of personal desires or ambitions for the greater good or a higher purpose.

Overall, the Hanged Man tarot card symbolizes surrender, patience, self-reflection, and the willingness to embrace change and new perspectives. It invites us to let go of control and open ourselves to the transformative power of surrender and inner growth.

chapter 1

the Hanged Man tarot card Meanings

The Hanged Man tarot card represents surrender, suspension, and a change in perspective. It suggests a need to let go of control and release attachments in order to gain new insights and wisdom. This card signifies a time of patience, reflection, and inner growth. It encourages embracing the unknown and seeing challenges from a different angle. The Hanged Man teaches us the power of surrender and the transformative potential that comes from looking within and shifting our perspective. It reminds us that sometimes in letting go, we find a deeper understanding and experience profound personal transformation.

the Hanged Man keywords

 surrender, suspension, introspection, change in perspective, release, patience, reflection, inner growth, wisdom, surrendering control, sacrifice, letting go, and transformative

the Hanged Man reversed tarot card meaning

When the Hanged Man tarot card appears reversed, it signifies resistance to change, avoidance of introspection, and a reluctance to let go of control. It suggests a time of feeling stuck or unwilling to see things from a different perspective. The Hanged Man reversed may indicate a fear of surrendering or releasing attachments, leading to stagnation or missed opportunities for growth. It can represent a resistance to necessary sacrifices or an unwillingness to let go of outdated beliefs or patterns. This card serves as a reminder to examine any resistance or fear that may be holding you back and to actively seek new perspectives and approaches. It encourages you to break free from old patterns, release attachments, and embrace the transformative power of surrender. The Hanged Man reversed prompts you to open yourself up to new possibilities and to trust in the process of personal growth and transformation.

the Hanged Man reversed

resistance, stagnation, avoidance, fear of change, control, missed opportunities, reluctance, stubbornness, attachment, and rigidity.

chapter 2

the Hanged Man tarot love Meanings

In love readings, the Hanged Man tarot card suggests a period of introspection and reflection within your romantic relationships. It represents a time of stepping back and gaining new perspectives on matters of the heart. This card encourages you to let go of control, surrender to the flow of love, and embrace the unknown. It may indicate a need to release attachments or expectations in order to allow for a deeper connection. The Hanged Man also suggests that patience and understanding are key in navigating love relationships. It advises you to take time to understand your own needs and desires, as well as those of your partner, fostering a sense of empathy and compassion. This card reminds you to trust the process and have faith in the timing of love. It invites you to engage in self-reflection, explore your beliefs and values around love, and let go of any unhealthy patterns or limiting beliefs. Ultimately, the Hanged Man in love readings encourages you to surrender to the transformative power of love and open yourself to new possibilities for growth and connection.

the Hanged Man reversed tarot love Meanings

In love readings, the Hanged Man reversed tarot card suggests a period of resistance, stagnation, or avoidance in matters of the heart. It indicates a reluctance to let go of control, release attachments, or embrace new perspectives within your relationships. This card may signify a fear of change or a stubbornness that prevents growth and connection. It warns against holding on to unhealthy patterns or beliefs that hinder the progress of your love life. The Hanged Man reversed urges you to examine any resistance or fear that may be inhibiting your ability to create meaningful and fulfilling relationships. It encourages you to let go of old beliefs, open yourself to new possibilities, and be willing to take risks for love. This card reminds you that true growth and connection require a willingness to surrender and see things from a different perspective. It may be necessary to break free from old patterns and release attachments in order to create space for positive and transformative experiences in love.

chapter 3

the Hanged Man tarot money Meanings

In money readings, the Hanged Man tarot card signifies a period of financial suspension, patience, and the need for a change in perspective. It suggests that your financial situation may be stagnant or requiring a different approach. The Hanged Man advises you to let go of any attachments or rigid beliefs around money and to embrace a more flexible and open mindset. It may indicate a need to pause and reflect on your financial goals and strategies. This card encourages you to look at your financial situation from a new perspective, considering alternative approaches or investments that you may not have previously considered. The Hanged Man also reminds you to exercise patience and trust the timing of financial growth. It suggests that sometimes waiting for the right opportunity or allowing for natural cycles to unfold can lead to greater financial success. This card encourages you to be open to new insights, seek advice from trusted professionals if needed, and let go of any fears or resistance that may be hindering your financial progress. Ultimately, the Hanged Man in money readings signifies a period of reflection, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace change in order to achieve financial stability and growth.

the Hanged Man reversed tarot money Meanings

In money readings, the Hanged Man reversed tarot card suggests financial stagnation, resistance to change, and a lack of progress in your financial matters. It indicates a reluctance to let go of old financial patterns or beliefs that are holding you back. This card warns against being too rigid or attached to a particular financial outcome, as it may hinder your ability to adapt and find new opportunities for growth. The Hanged Man reversed urges you to release any financial fears or limiting beliefs that are preventing you from making positive changes. It may indicate the need to reassess your financial strategies, seek new perspectives, and be open to alternative approaches. This card also advises you to take proactive steps to break free from any financial stagnation or inertia. It encourages you to seek financial advice, explore new investment options, or consider alternative income sources. The Hanged Man reversed reminds you that in order to achieve financial progress, you must be willing to let go of old patterns, embrace change, and adopt a more flexible and open mindset.

chapter 4

the Hanged Man tarot work - job Meanings

In work and job readings, the Hanged Man tarot card signifies a period of pause, introspection, and potential career transformation. It suggests a need to step back and reassess your work situation, goals, and strategies. The Hanged Man encourages you to let go of rigid expectations or attachments to certain outcomes in your career. It advises you to take a different perspective and consider alternative approaches to your work. This card may indicate a time of temporary suspension or a feeling of being “stuck” in your job, but it reminds you that this period of reflection can lead to valuable insights and personal growth. The Hanged Man advises you to embrace patience and trust the process, even if it means delaying immediate career advancement. It encourages you to explore new skills, perspectives, or career paths that align more closely with your values and aspirations. This card may also indicate the need to let go of old work patterns or routines that are no longer serving you. The Hanged Man reminds you that sometimes taking a step back and reevaluating your approach can lead to new opportunities and a more fulfilling career path.

the Hanged Man reversed tarot work – job Meanings

In work and job readings, the Hanged Man reversed tarot card suggests a period of resistance to change, stagnation, or a lack of progress in your professional life. It indicates a reluctance to let go of old work patterns or beliefs that are hindering your growth and advancement. This card warns against being too rigid or stubborn in your approach to work, as it may limit your opportunities for career development. The Hanged Man reversed urges you to release any fears or attachments that are preventing you from taking necessary risks or exploring new paths in your career. It may indicate the need to reassess your goals, strategies, or work environment to overcome the stagnation you’re experiencing. This card advises you to seek new perspectives, embrace adaptability, and be open to change. It may also suggest the need to seek support or guidance from mentors or career advisors to help you navigate this transitional phase. The Hanged Man reversed reminds you that in order to achieve progress in your work or job, you must be willing to let go of old patterns, step out of your comfort zone, and embrace new opportunities for growth and advancement.

chapter 5

the Hanged Man yes or no tarot reading

The Hanged Man in a yes or no tarot reading does not provide a straightforward answer as it represents a period of suspension, introspection, and change in perspective. It suggests a need to surrender control and allow events to unfold naturally. The Hanged Man advises patience and trust in the process rather than seeking immediate answers or outcomes. Therefore, instead of a direct yes or no, the Hanged Man encourages you to reflect on your situation, consider alternative perspectives, and be open to the transformative power of surrender and change. It reminds you that sometimes waiting and embracing the unknown can lead to greater clarity and growth.

the Hanged Man reversed
yes or no tarot reading

The Hanged Man reversed in a yes or no tarot reading suggests a leaning towards a “no” answer. This card represents resistance, stagnation, and a lack of progress. It indicates a reluctance to let go of control or embrace new perspectives. The Hanged Man reversed suggests that the current circumstances may not be conducive to a positive outcome or immediate success. It advises you to reassess the situation, let go of any attachments or limiting beliefs, and consider alternative approaches before making a decision. However, it’s important to remember that tarot readings are subjective and can be influenced by various factors, so it’s advisable to use your own judgment and intuition in interpreting the cards.


in this article you learned the basics and everything you need to know about the meaning of tarot cards!

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