the Justice Tarot Card Meaning
love, money work risk free

With the secret guide of the Gypsy witches,
revealing all meanings of “the Justice” major arcana tarot card
on Love, Money and Work

What is the meaning of the Justice tarot card ?
How do I read the meaning of “the Justice” in a tarot spread on love, money or work ?

to the free comprehensive guide dedicated to the study of “the Justice” major arcana tarot card
by Templum Dianae.

in this complete guide I teach you all the “secrets” (taken from my books and courses) and what you need to know.

I also delve into different topics such as :

  • the meaning of Major Arcana
  • how to learn tarot card meanings and readings
  • where does tarot cards come from
  • …and much more!

Read on to discover the secrets of tarot cards now!


the Justice tarot card Description

The Justice tarot card depicts a figure, often a woman, holding a sword in one hand and scales in the other. She is seated on a throne, symbolizing authority and balance. The card represents the principles of fairness, truth, and impartiality. It signifies the need for accountability, integrity, and ethical decision-making. The sword represents the power of reason and judgment, while the scales represent the weighing of evidence and the pursuit of justice. The Justice card reminds us to approach situations with objectivity and to consider the consequences of our actions. It symbolizes the importance of seeking truth and fairness in our dealings with others and in the choices we make. Ultimately, the Justice card encourages us to act with integrity and to recognize that justice will prevail in due time.

the Justice tarot card symbolism

The symbolism of the Justice tarot card encompasses several key elements:

  1. Scales: The scales held by the figure symbolize balance, fairness, and impartiality. They represent the need to weigh and consider all sides of a situation before making a judgment.
  2. Sword: The sword represents truth, clarity, and the power of reason. It signifies the need for logical thinking and making decisions based on evidence and facts.
  3. Throne: The figure is often depicted seated on a throne, representing authority, wisdom, and the importance of upholding justice in society.
  4. Blindfold: In some variations of the card, the figure may wear a blindfold, indicating the impartiality of justice. It signifies that decisions should be made without bias or personal prejudices.
  5. Pillars: The pillars in the background symbolize structure and stability. They represent the solid foundation upon which justice is built.
  6. Numerology: The Justice card is typically associated with the number 11, representing balance and harmony.

Overall, the Justice card symbolizes fairness, truth, and the need to make ethical choices. It reminds us to consider the consequences of our actions and to seek justice in our interactions with others. It encourages us to align our decisions and behaviors with integrity and to strive for equilibrium and harmony in all aspects of life.

chapter 1

the Justice tarot card Meanings

The Justice tarot card embodies the principles of fairness, balance, and ethical decision-making. It signifies the need for objective judgment, accountability, and truth. This card reminds us that actions have consequences and urges us to take responsibility for our choices. It emphasizes the importance of integrity and encourages us to seek justice in our interactions with others. The Justice card serves as a reminder to uphold moral values and to make decisions that align with our higher principles. It symbolizes the quest for truth, fairness, and equality in all aspects of life.

the Justice keywords

fairness, balance, impartiality, accountability, truth, integrity, moral values, responsibility, consequences, and justice

the justice reversed tarot card meaning

When the Justice tarot card appears reversed, it suggests imbalance, unfairness, or a lack of accountability. It may indicate situations where justice is not being served, or where decisions are biased or unjust. This card can also represent dishonesty, deceit, or a disregard for moral principles. It signifies the need to examine one’s own actions and motivations to ensure they align with integrity and fairness. The Justice reversed may serve as a reminder to seek resolution or find a way to restore balance and fairness in a situation. It advises caution in making decisions and encourages a deeper reflection on the consequences of one’s actions. It is important to address any injustices, seek the truth, and rectify any imbalances or biases that may be present.

the Justice reversed

imbalance, unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty, deceit, and disregard for moral principles.

chapter 2

the Justice tarot love Meanings

In love readings, the Justice tarot card signifies fairness, balance, and the need for clear communication and honesty in relationships. It suggests that justice and equality are important foundations for a harmonious partnership. This card encourages open and transparent communication, where both partners have a voice and their needs and desires are considered. It emphasizes the importance of treating each other with respect and fairness. In a committed relationship, the Justice card may indicate the need to address any imbalances or unresolved issues to restore harmony and equality. It reminds us to make decisions based on what is fair and just for both parties involved. For those seeking love, the Justice card can suggest the need to seek out relationships that are built on mutual respect and equality. It advises being honest with oneself and others about one’s needs and boundaries. Ultimately, the Justice card in love readings prompts us to cultivate relationships based on integrity, fairness, and open communication.

the Justice reversed tarot love Meanings

In love readings, the Justice reversed tarot card suggests imbalances, unfairness, or dishonesty in relationships. It may indicate a lack of equality or justice within the partnership, where one person may have more power or control over the other. This card can point to conflicts, disagreements, or unresolved issues that have not been properly addressed. It warns against manipulation, deceit, or unfair treatment within the relationship. The Justice reversed advises taking a closer look at the dynamics of the partnership and identifying any areas where fairness and equality are lacking. It encourages open and honest communication to address these imbalances and work towards a more equitable and harmonious relationship. It may also serve as a reminder to set clear boundaries and prioritize self-respect. If single, the Justice reversed suggests being cautious in new romantic endeavors and being mindful of potential red flags or imbalances of power.

chapter 3

the Justice tarot money Meanings

In money readings, the Justice tarot card signifies fairness, balance, and the need for accountability in financial matters. It suggests that your financial situation will be influenced by your actions, decisions, and adherence to ethical practices. The Justice card encourages you to take a balanced approach when it comes to money management. It advises you to review your financial obligations and ensure that you are meeting them responsibly. This card also highlights the importance of fair business dealings and the need to honor contracts and agreements. It reminds you to make decisions based on accurate information and to avoid taking undue risks. The Justice card may indicate that your financial situation will be influenced by external factors beyond your control, such as legal matters or negotiations. It emphasizes the need to act with integrity, seek fairness in financial transactions, and be mindful of the consequences of your financial decisions. Ultimately, the Justice card suggests that by maintaining a fair and balanced approach to your finances, you can achieve stability and positive outcomes.

the Justice reversed tarot money Meanings

In money readings, the Justice reversed tarot card suggests imbalances, unfairness, or financial disputes. It may indicate situations where there is a lack of financial accountability or where unethical practices are at play. This card warns against making impulsive or reckless financial decisions, as they could lead to negative consequences. The Justice reversed advises you to review your financial situation carefully and identify any areas where imbalances or unfairness may be present. It urges you to be cautious with your financial transactions, contracts, and agreements, ensuring that they are fair and transparent. This card may also indicate the need to resolve any financial disputes or legal matters that are impacting your financial stability. It encourages you to seek advice from trusted professionals if needed and to be diligent in managing your financial affairs. The Justice reversed reminds you to approach your finances with honesty, integrity, and a commitment to fairness in order to achieve long-term financial stability and success.

chapter 4

the Justice tarot work - job Meanings

In work or job readings, the Justice tarot card signifies fairness, balance, and the need for integrity in the workplace. It suggests that your professional success will depend on your ability to act justly and make decisions based on fairness and impartiality. The Justice card encourages you to approach your work with honesty, accountability, and a strong sense of ethics. It reminds you to consider the consequences of your actions and to treat others with respect and fairness. This card may indicate the need for a fair evaluation of your skills and contributions in the workplace. It suggests that your hard work and dedication will be recognized and rewarded in due time. The Justice card also reminds you to be mindful of office politics or any potential conflicts that may arise. It advises you to handle any disputes or disagreements with fairness and diplomacy. Overall, the Justice card in work readings encourages you to uphold a strong work ethic, maintain integrity, and seek fairness in all professional matters. By doing so, you can create a positive and harmonious work environment and achieve success in your career.

the Justice reversed tarot work – job Meanings

In work or job readings, the Justice reversed tarot card suggests imbalances, unfairness, or a lack of integrity in the workplace. It may indicate situations where there is a sense of injustice, favoritism, or unethical practices. This card warns against engaging in dishonest or unethical behavior in your professional life, as it can have negative consequences for your career. The Justice reversed advises you to be cautious and aware of any unfair treatment or imbalances of power in the workplace. It may indicate the need to address any conflicts or disputes that are affecting your work environment. This card also encourages you to reevaluate your own actions and ensure that you are acting with integrity and fairness. It may be necessary to seek resolution, negotiate terms, or seek out new opportunities if your current work situation is not aligning with your values. The Justice reversed serves as a reminder to advocate for yourself, stand up for your rights, and seek a work environment that values fairness and ethical practices.

chapter 5

the Justice yes or no tarot reading

The Justice tarot card in a yes or no tarot reading suggests that the answer to your question is likely to be yes. This card represents fairness, balance, and ethical decision-making. It signifies that the outcome or resolution will be just and equitable. However, it is important to consider the context and details of your question. The Justice card reminds you to take a balanced and objective approach when considering the options or making a decision. It may also indicate the need for legal or ethical considerations in the situation. Ultimately, the Justice card encourages you to seek fairness, truth, and integrity in your actions and choices.

the Justice reversed
yes or no tarot reading

The Justice reversed in a yes or no tarot reading suggests that the answer to your question is likely to be no or uncertain at this time. This card in reverse indicates imbalances, unfairness, or a lack of accountability. It may suggest that the outcome or resolution is not in your favor or that there are factors that are preventing a fair and just outcome. The Justice reversed advises you to reevaluate the situation, address any conflicts or imbalances, and seek clarity before making a decision or taking action. It may also indicate the need to rectify any dishonest or unethical behavior that may be influencing the outcome. Consider seeking advice or guidance to navigate the situation and to ensure a fair resolution. Ultimately, the Justice reversed suggests that it is important to be cautious and to proceed with integrity in order to bring about a more favorable outcome in the long run.


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