the Wheel of fortune Tarot Card Meaning
love, money work risk free

With the secret guide of the Gypsy witches,
revealing all meanings of “the Wheel of fortune” major arcana tarot card
on Love, Money and Work

What is the meaning of the Wheel of fortune tarot card ?
How do I read the meaning of “the Wheel of fortune” in a tarot spread on love, money or work ?

to the free comprehensive guide dedicated to the study of “the Wheel of fortune” major arcana tarot card
by Templum Dianae.

in this complete guide I teach you all the “secrets” (taken from my books and courses) and what you need to know.

I also delve into different topics such as :

  • the meaning of Major Arcana
  • how to learn tarot card meanings and readings
  • where does tarot cards come from
  • …and much more!

Read on to discover the secrets of tarot cards now!


the Wheel of fortune tarot card Description

The Wheel of Fortune is a highly symbolic tarot card that depicts a large wheel, typically adorned with various mystical creatures. At the center of the wheel sits three prominent figures: a human figure, an animal figure (often a sphinx or a snake), and a celestial figure (often an angel or a deity). The wheel is divided into different sections or compartments, each representing a different stage or aspect of life. The card represents the ever-turning wheel of fate and destiny, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life and the continuous ebb and flow of fortune. It signifies the forces of change, luck, and opportunity, and reminds us that life is a constant series of ups and downs. The Wheel of Fortune encourages us to embrace change and to recognize that our circumstances are always shifting, and with that, so do our opportunities and challenges. It serves as a reminder that both good and bad times are temporary, and we must adapt and make the most of the present moment.

(important note: the original Italian name of the “wheel of fortune” is “wheel of luck” that in Italian is written “Fortuna”)

the Wheel of fortune tarot card symbolism


The Wheel of Fortune tarot card carries deep symbolism that represents various aspects of life and the universe. Here are some key symbolic elements associated with the card:

  1. Wheel: The central symbol of the card, representing the cyclical nature of life and the constant movement of time and destiny.
  2. Figures on the Wheel: The human figure represents the influence of free will and personal choices, the animal figure symbolizes instinct and the primal forces of nature, and the celestial figure signifies the guidance and intervention of higher powers.
  3. Four Creatures: The four mystical creatures at each corner of the card (lion, bull, eagle, and angel) represent the four elements (fire, earth, air, and water) and the four fixed signs of the zodiac (Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio), signifying balance and harmony.
  4. Upward and Downward Motion: The wheel’s rotation represents the ever-changing nature of life, with the upward motion indicating progress, growth, and favorable circumstances, while the downward motion symbolizes setbacks, challenges, and lessons to be learned.
  5. Spokes and Divisions: The divisions on the wheel represent different stages or aspects of life, showing that fortunes can shift and opportunities can arise or fade away.
  6. Astrological Symbols: The card is often associated with the planet Jupiter, representing expansion, luck, and abundance.

Overall, the Wheel of Fortune symbolizes the continuous cycle of life, the influence of fate and destiny, and the interplay between chance and personal choices. It reminds us to embrace change, be adaptable, and seize opportunities as they arise.

chapter 1

the Wheel of Fortune tarot card Meanings

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card holds profound significance, representing the ever-changing nature of life and the influence of fate. It symbolizes cycles, reminding us that nothing remains stagnant and that both fortunate and challenging circumstances will come and go. It encourages us to embrace change and trust in the natural flow of life. The card also serves as a reminder that our actions and decisions can shape our destiny. It urges us to be open to new opportunities and to embrace the transformative power of the unknown. Ultimately, the Wheel of Fortune prompts us to have faith in the journey and to embrace the twists and turns that lead us to our true purpose.

the wheel of fortune keywords

change, destiny, luck, transformation, opportunity, and cycles.

the wheel of fortune reversed tarot card meaning

The Wheel of Fortune reversed in tarot suggests a period of stagnation, setbacks, or delays. It signifies a lack of control or resistance to change, which can lead to missed opportunities or a feeling of being stuck. It may indicate a time of bad luck or a downward spiral in one’s life. This card reminds us to be cautious of repeating patterns or making impulsive decisions that can further hinder progress. It calls for introspection and self-reflection to understand the underlying factors contributing to the reversal of fortune. It serves as a reminder to embrace change, let go of resistance, and take proactive steps to shift the energy and regain control over one’s life.

the wheel of fortune reversed

stagnation, setbacks, resistance to change, missed opportunities, bad luck, downward spiral, repeating patterns, lack of control, and introspection

chapter 2

the wheel of fortune tarot love Meanings

In love readings, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card signifies changes and fluctuations in romantic relationships. It represents the ups and downs, the cycles of growth and transformation that occur in partnerships. When upright, it suggests positive changes, fortunate encounters, and the potential for a turning point in a relationship. It may indicate finding love in unexpected places or a shift towards a more harmonious and fulfilling connection. However, when reversed, it can indicate instability, uncertainty, or a lack of progress in love matters. It may suggest being caught in a repetitive pattern or experiencing challenges and obstacles in finding or maintaining a stable and fulfilling relationship. It reminds us to be open to change, embrace new opportunities, and release attachments to old patterns that no longer serve our highest good.

the wheel of fortune reversed tarot love Meanings

When the Wheel of Fortune tarot card appears reversed in a love reading, it suggests a period of stagnation or resistance to change in romantic relationships. It indicates a lack of progress or difficulty in finding stability and balance. This card can indicate a sense of being stuck or trapped in repetitive patterns that hinder personal growth and relationship development. It may also suggest missed opportunities or delays in finding love or experiencing positive shifts in existing relationships. It reminds us to be mindful of the choices we make and the need to break free from negative cycles or limiting beliefs that may be hindering our ability to experience love and fulfillment. It encourages us to embrace change and take proactive steps towards creating the love and connection we desire.

chapter 3

the wheel of fortune tarot money Meanings

When the Wheel of Fortune tarot card appears in a money reading, it signifies a period of change and fluctuation in financial matters. It represents the cycles of fortune and the ups and downs of financial circumstances. This card suggests that there may be unexpected changes in income, investments, or financial opportunities. It reminds us that success and prosperity are not fixed, and we must be adaptable and open to new possibilities. The Wheel of Fortune encourages us to embrace the changes and take calculated risks to improve our financial situation. It reminds us to be mindful of our financial decisions, to save for the future, and to seize opportunities when they arise. This card also emphasizes the importance of being patient and trusting in the natural flow of abundance. Overall, the Wheel of Fortune in a money reading signifies the potential for both positive and negative financial outcomes, urging us to stay attuned to the changes and make wise choices.

the wheel of fortune reversed tarot money Meanings

When the Wheel of Fortune tarot card appears reversed in a money reading, it suggests a period of financial instability and unexpected setbacks. It indicates that you may be experiencing a downturn or a series of financial challenges. This could manifest as a loss of income, unexpected expenses, or poor investment decisions. The reversed Wheel of Fortune advises caution and careful evaluation of your financial choices. It reminds you to avoid taking unnecessary risks and to be cautious with your spending. It’s important to reassess your financial plans and make necessary adjustments to avoid further financial difficulties. This card also encourages you to seek guidance or professional advice if needed. Remember that the Wheel of Fortune is always in motion, and while the reversal may bring temporary setbacks, it also offers an opportunity for growth and learning. Stay focused, be adaptable, and make informed decisions to navigate through the financial challenges.

chapter 4

the wheel of fortune tarot work - job Meanings

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card in a work or job context signifies a period of change and unpredictability. It suggests that there may be shifts or transitions happening in your professional life. This could manifest as changes in your role, responsibilities, or even your employment status. The card reminds you to embrace these changes as opportunities for growth and expansion. It encourages you to stay adaptable, open-minded, and willing to explore new possibilities. The Wheel of Fortune indicates that there may be ups and downs in your career journey, but ultimately, it signifies a turning point or a new phase of your work life. It advises you to be proactive in seeking new opportunities, networking, and learning new skills to enhance your professional prospects. Embrace the changes that come your way and trust in the cycle of life and career advancement. Stay focused, be flexible, and maintain a positive mindset as you navigate the changes in your work or job situation.

the wheel of fortune reversed tarot work – job Meanings

The Wheel of Fortune reversed in a work or job context suggests a period of stagnation or lack of progress. It indicates that you may feel stuck or trapped in your current employment situation. You may be experiencing a lack of opportunities or setbacks in your career advancement. This card cautions against complacency and encourages you to take proactive steps to break free from the stagnant energy. It may be necessary to reassess your goals, explore new avenues, or seek alternative employment options. The reversed Wheel of Fortune reminds you to be mindful of your actions and decisions at work. It advises you to avoid impulsive choices and instead focus on strategic planning and long-term goals. This is a time to be patient, persistent, and proactive in creating positive changes in your work life. By embracing flexibility and adaptability, you can navigate through the challenges and create opportunities for growth and advancement. Remember that even in times of uncertainty, you have the power to shape your own professional destiny.

chapter 5

the wheel of fortune yes or no tarot reading

The Wheel of Fortune in a yes or no tarot reading suggests that the answer to your question is likely to be positive. This card represents a turning point, a change of fortune, and the emergence of new opportunities. It signifies the ebb and flow of life, where circumstances can shift in your favor. However, it is important to remember that the Wheel of Fortune is a card of fate and destiny, indicating that external forces may be at play. While the overall outlook is favorable, it is crucial to consider other factors and use your intuition to make informed decisions. The Wheel of Fortune encourages you to embrace change, take calculated risks, and trust in the natural cycles of life.

the wheel of fortune reversed
yes or no tarot reading

The Wheel of Fortune reversed in a yes or no tarot reading suggests that the answer to your question is uncertain or unclear at the moment. This card in reverse indicates that there may be obstacles, delays, or unpredictable factors that could impact the outcome. It suggests a period of stagnation or a lack of progress. While the Wheel of Fortune typically represents positive change and opportunities, its reversal indicates a temporary setback or a need for patience and adaptability. It is advisable to reassess your plans, consider alternative options, and be open to unexpected possibilities. The reversed Wheel of Fortune reminds you to be cautious and avoid making hasty decisions. It is essential to trust in the natural flow of events and allow time for circumstances to shift before reaching a definitive answer.


in this article you learned the basics and everything you need to know about the meaning of tarot cards!

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Templum Dianae Channell

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