the World Tarot Card Meaning
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With the secret guide of the Gypsy witches,
revealing all meanings of “the World” major arcana tarot card
on Love, Money and Work

What is the meaning of the World tarot card ?
How do I read the meaning of “the World” in a tarot spread on love, money or work ?

to the free comprehensive guide dedicated to the study of “the World” major arcana tarot card
by Templum Dianae.

in this complete guide I teach you all the “secrets” (taken from my books and courses) and what you need to know.

I also delve into different topics such as :

  • the meaning of Major Arcana
  • how to learn tarot card meanings and readings
  • where does tarot cards come from
  • …and much more!

Read on to discover the secrets of tarot cards now!


the World tarot card Description

The World tarot card depicts a figure, often represented as a dancing woman, surrounded by a laurel wreath. She holds two wands or batons in her hands. In the background, there are four elemental symbols representing the four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. The figure is often shown within a wreath-shaped mandala, symbolizing completion and wholeness.

The World card represents a sense of fulfillment, completion, and harmony. It signifies the culmination of a journey or a significant achievement. It represents a state of balance, integration, and unity.

The figure in the card symbolizes the integration of opposites and the harmony of dualities. The laurel wreath represents victory, accomplishment, and recognition for one’s efforts. The two wands or batons held by the figure represent the balance between spiritual and physical power.

The four elemental symbols represent the interconnectedness and balance of the natural world. They symbolize the harmonious blending of different aspects of life and the ability to navigate and embrace change.

The World card represents a sense of wholeness and fulfillment in all aspects of life, including spiritual, emotional, and material realms. It signifies the successful completion of a cycle and the beginning of a new phase.

Overall, the World tarot card represents a state of harmony, integration, and accomplishment. It signifies the attainment of goals, the fulfillment of dreams, and a sense of oneness with the world. It encourages embracing new opportunities and embarking on the next chapter of life with confidence and a deep sense of fulfillment.

the World tarot card symbolism

The symbolism of the World tarot card includes:

  1. Completion and Wholeness: The World card represents the culmination of a journey or cycle. It symbolizes a sense of completion, accomplishment, and fulfillment.
  2. Integration of Opposites: The figure in the card represents the integration of opposites and the harmonious balance between different aspects of life. It symbolizes the unity of body, mind, and spirit.
  3. Victory and Success: The laurel wreath held by the figure symbolizes victory, achievement, and recognition for one’s efforts. It represents the rewards that come with perseverance and dedication.
  4. Balance and Harmony: The World card signifies a state of balance and harmony. The four elemental symbols in the background represent the interconnectedness of different aspects of life, including the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms.
  5. Cosmic Consciousness: The World card represents a connection to a higher consciousness and a deep understanding of the universal truths. It symbolizes a sense of oneness with the world and a profound spiritual awareness.
  6. Integration of Dualities: The World card signifies the ability to embrace and harmonize opposing forces or aspects. It represents the integration of light and dark, masculine and feminine, and other dualities in life.
  7. Fulfillment and Wholeness: The World card symbolizes a sense of fulfillment, wholeness, and completeness. It signifies the attainment of goals, the realization of dreams, and a deep sense of satisfaction.

Overall, the World tarot card represents a state of balance, integration, and accomplishment. It symbolizes the fulfillment of a journey, the unity of different aspects of life, and the connection to a higher consciousness. It encourages embracing new possibilities and embarking on the next phase of life with a profound sense of fulfillment and harmony.

chapter 1

the World tarot card Meanings

The World card signifies completion, achievement, and fulfillment. It represents the culmination of a journey or cycle.

It symbolizes a sense of wholeness and integration, bringing together different aspects of life in harmony.

The World card represents balance, unity, and the integration of opposites. It signifies the ability to embrace and reconcile dualities.

It signifies success, recognition, and the attainment of goals. It represents the rewards that come with hard work and dedication.

The World card also symbolizes cosmic consciousness and a deep spiritual connection. It represents a profound understanding of universal truths and a sense of oneness with the world.

Overall, the World tarot card represents a state of accomplishment, integration, and fulfillment. It encourages embracing new opportunities and embarking on the next chapter of life with confidence and a deep sense of satisfaction.

the world keywords

Completion, Achievement, Fulfillment, Wholeness, Integration, Balance, Unity, Recognition, Success, Cosmic Consciousness, Oneness, Culmination, Harmony, Integration of Opposites, Cosmic Awareness, Accomplishment, Cycle Completion.

the world reversed tarot card meaning

The World reversed suggests a delay or obstruction in achieving completion or fulfillment. It indicates a sense of unfinished business or unresolved issues.

This card symbolizes a lack of integration or imbalance in different aspects of life. It may represent a disconnection from one’s true purpose or a struggle to find harmony and unity.

The World reversed highlights a need for introspection and self-reflection. It suggests examining any areas of life where there is a lack of closure or a feeling of being incomplete.

Additionally, the World reversed may indicate a sense of being stuck or stagnant. It suggests challenges in moving forward or an inability to fully embrace new opportunities.

Overall, the World reversed in tarot readings signifies a delay or obstruction in achieving fulfillment or completion. It calls for self-reflection, resolution of unfinished business, and seeking a greater sense of integration and balance to progress on one’s journey.

the world reversed

Delay, Obstruction, Unfinished, Unresolved, Imbalance, Disconnection, Lack of Closure, Stagnation, Inability to Move Forward, Incompletion, Lack of Integration, Blocked Progress.

chapter 2

the World tarot love Meanings

The World card signifies a sense of completion and fulfillment in love connections. It represents the culmination of a journey, indicating a deep level of harmony and integration within the relationship.

It symbolizes a harmonious union of two individuals, where both partners feel a sense of wholeness and completeness. It signifies a time of balance, unity, and mutual understanding.

The World card represents a deep connection and spiritual alignment with your partner. It symbolizes a profound sense of oneness, where you and your partner share a deep understanding and acceptance of each other.

This card also signifies the successful completion of relationship goals and the attainment of a fulfilling partnership. It represents the rewards that come with dedication, mutual support, and growth within the relationship.

The World card encourages you to embrace the journey you have taken together and celebrate the milestones you have achieved. It invites you to continue nurturing and cherishing your relationship, appreciating the unity and love that you share.

Overall, the World tarot card in love readings represents a deep sense of fulfillment, harmony, and completion within the relationship. It signifies a harmonious union, spiritual alignment, and the rewards that come from mutual support and growth. It encourages you to celebrate and cherish your love connection.

the World reversed tarot love Meanings

The World reversed suggests a delay or obstruction in experiencing fulfillment or completion in love connections. It may indicate unresolved issues or a lack of closure within the relationship.

This card symbolizes a lack of harmony or imbalance within the partnership. It suggests a disconnection or discord that prevents the relationship from reaching its full potential.

The World reversed highlights a need for introspection and reflection on the dynamics of the relationship. It urges you to address any unresolved issues or patterns that may be hindering the growth and progress of the partnership.

Additionally, the World reversed may indicate a sense of stagnation or feeling stuck in the relationship. It suggests challenges in moving forward or an inability to fully embrace new possibilities for growth and connection.

Overall, the World reversed in love readings signifies a delay or obstruction in experiencing fulfillment and completion in the relationship. It calls for introspection, addressing unresolved issues, and seeking harmony and balance within the partnership to progress towards a deeper and more fulfilling love connection.

chapter 3

the world tarot money Meanings

The World card signifies a sense of completion and fulfillment in financial matters. It represents the attainment of financial goals and a state of abundance and prosperity.

It symbolizes a harmonious balance and integration of financial aspects. It suggests that all areas of your financial life are coming together in a harmonious and successful way.

The World card represents a state of financial wholeness and integration. It signifies that you have reached a level of financial stability and have a strong foundation for future growth.

This card also symbolizes the successful completion of financial endeavors or projects. It suggests that your hard work, dedication, and smart financial choices have paid off.

The World card encourages you to celebrate your financial achievements and take pride in your financial success. It reminds you to maintain a sense of balance and continue making wise financial decisions.

Overall, the World tarot card in money readings represents a sense of fulfillment, abundance, and financial stability. It signifies the successful completion of financial goals and encourages you to maintain balance and continue making wise financial choices for ongoing prosperity.

the world reversed tarot money Meanings

The World reversed suggests a delay or obstruction in experiencing fulfillment or completion in financial matters. It may indicate unresolved financial issues or a lack of financial closure.

This card symbolizes imbalance or disharmony in your financial situation. It suggests a disconnection or discord that prevents the full realization of financial stability and abundance.

The World reversed highlights a need for introspection and reflection on your financial habits and choices. It urges you to address any unresolved financial issues or negative patterns that may be hindering your financial progress.

Additionally, the World reversed may indicate a sense of stagnation or feeling stuck in your financial journey. It suggests challenges in moving forward or an inability to fully embrace new opportunities for financial growth and success.

Overall, the World reversed in money readings signifies a delay or obstruction in experiencing fulfillment and completion in your financial situation. It calls for introspection, addressing unresolved financial issues, and seeking balance and harmony in your financial choices to progress towards greater financial stability and abundance.

chapter 4

the world tarot work - job Meanings

The World card signifies a sense of completion and fulfillment in your work or career. It represents the successful culmination of a project, the attainment of professional goals, or a state of career satisfaction.

It symbolizes a harmonious integration of different aspects of your work life. It suggests that you have achieved a state of balance and harmony between your personal and professional life.

The World card represents a sense of professional wholeness and integration. It signifies that you have reached a level of expertise and mastery in your field and have a deep sense of fulfillment in your work.

This card also symbolizes the successful completion of a job or project. It suggests that your hard work, dedication, and skills have paid off and have led to successful outcomes in your professional endeavors.

The World card encourages you to celebrate your professional achievements and take pride in your work. It reminds you to continue striving for excellence and maintain a sense of balance and harmony in your professional pursuits.

Overall, the World tarot card in work readings represents a sense of fulfillment, accomplishment, and professional integration. It signifies the successful completion of projects, career satisfaction, and a state of professional wholeness. It encourages you to celebrate your achievements and continue pursuing professional excellence.

the World reversed tarot work – job Meanings

The World reversed suggests a delay or obstruction in experiencing fulfillment or completion in your work or career. It may indicate unresolved work-related issues or a lack of closure in certain professional areas.

This card symbolizes imbalance or disharmony in your work life. It suggests a disconnection or discord that prevents you from fully experiencing satisfaction or progress in your job.

The World reversed highlights a need for introspection and reflection on your professional path. It urges you to address any unresolved work-related issues or negative patterns that may be hindering your professional growth.

Additionally, the World reversed may indicate a sense of stagnation or feeling stuck in your work or job. It suggests challenges in moving forward or an inability to fully embrace new opportunities for career advancement.

Overall, the World reversed in work readings signifies a delay or obstruction in experiencing fulfillment and completion in your professional life. It calls for introspection, addressing unresolved work-related issues, and seeking balance and harmony in your career choices to progress towards greater professional satisfaction and growth.

chapter 5

the world yes or no tarot reading

In a yes or no tarot reading, the World card suggests a leaning towards a “yes” answer.

The World card represents completion, fulfillment, and success. It signifies the attainment of goals and a state of wholeness and harmony.

Given its positive nature, the World card indicates that the situation at hand holds the potential for a positive outcome. It suggests that the circumstances align favorably with your desires and intentions.

The World card encourages you to have confidence and trust in the process. It signifies that you have reached a level of achievement and completion in the matter being asked about.

Overall, while the World card doesn’t guarantee a definitive “yes” answer, it suggests that the situation holds the potential for a positive outcome. It encourages you to trust in your abilities and embrace the opportunities that come your way with a sense of completion and fulfillment.

the world reversed
yes or no tarot reading

In a yes or no tarot reading, the World reversed card suggests a leaning towards a “no” answer.

The World reversed indicates a delay or obstruction in experiencing fulfillment or completion in the situation at hand. It suggests unresolved issues or a lack of closure.

Given its reversed position, the World reversed card signifies a disconnection or disharmony that prevents the full realization of your desires or intentions.

The World reversed highlights a need for introspection and reflection on the dynamics of the situation. It urges you to address any unresolved issues or negative patterns that may be hindering progress.

Overall, while the World reversed card doesn’t guarantee a definitive “no” answer, it suggests that the circumstances may not align favorably with your desires or expectations. It encourages you to assess the challenges or limitations involved and approach the situation with caution and realistic expectations.


in this article you learned the basics and everything you need to know about the meaning of tarot cards!

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Templum Dianae Channell

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